
明灯易学 国学宗教 1.6W+
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▲ 音乐与美文的跨界混搭,你有调,我有谱。暮色浸染我的天空? | 聂鲁达你若云朵,浸在我暮色天空中。你形你色,皆我所爱。你是我的,我的,拥有甜蜜双唇的女人,我无边无际的梦想,在你的生活中留存。我灵魂之灯浸染你的双足,葡萄酒的酸味若你甜蜜双唇,哦,夜晚歌曲的收割者如何让孤独的梦相信,你属于我。你是我的,我的,我在午后高喊。风,那黄昏的风带走了我孤独的声音。你窃走了我眼底情意,这行径若拦截水流,截走你夜间深情。你落入了我的音乐之网,我亲爱的。这网若天般辽阔,无从逃脱。我的灵魂降生于你悲叹双眸的岸边。你的悲叹就是我那梦乡边界的发源。《In My Sky At Twilight》In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud,and your form and colour are the way I love them.You are mine, mine, woman with sweet lipsand in your life my infinite dreams live.The lamp of my soul dyes your feet,the sour wine is sweeter on your lips,oh reaper of my evening song,how solitary dreams believe you to be mine!You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the afternoon'swind, and the wind hauls on my widowed voice.Huntress of the depth of my eyes, your plunderstills your nocturnal regard as though it were water.You are taken in the net of my music, my love,and my nets of music are wide as the sky.My soul is born on the shore of your eyes of mourning.In your eyes of mourning the land of dreams begin. 今日阅读推荐《堂吉诃德在北美》|《暮色里的旧时光》※ —热门推荐阅读—▼⊕若你有缘遇见我,请别让我错过你⊕那些年,我们曾与多少人互道晚安?⊕加缪:如果你一直在找人生的意义,你永远不会生活⊕木心:至少,每天要看书⊕梵高:没人懂我的孤独⊕柴静:一个国家应该尊重这样的头脑和灵魂⊕野夫:在路上⊕柴静:野夫带我看江湖⊕黑格尔:一个深刻的灵魂,即使痛苦也是美的⊕哈佛大学推荐的20个快乐的习惯⊕你的生活,会塑造你的容貌与气质⊕为什么我们缺少特立独行的人生态度?⊕陈丹青:真有出息的青年不做这类事⊕西北偏北,愿你与这个世界温暖相拥 人文丨艺术丨阅读丨深度丨文艺

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